Domestic Violence



  • Emergency Numbers for Domestic Violence
  • Sheriff's Office Family Crimes Unit (615) 904-3053
  • Domestic Violence Program and Sexual Assault Services (615) 896-7377
  • Domestic Violence Crisis (615) 896-2012
  • Sexual Assault Crisis (615) 494-9262


The Rutherford County Sheriff's Office has a proactive approach in response to domestic violence. Domestic Violence is preventable. Thorough investigations of incidents of domestic violence and appropriate enforcement has resulted in reductions in domestic homicides, assaults, spousal rapes, stalking, harassment and domestic hostage situations.

 Who Can be a Victim?

  1. Adults or minors who are current or former spouses.
  2. Adults or minors who live together or who have lived together.
  3. Adults or minors who are dating or who have had a sexual relationship.
  4. Adults or minors related by blood or adoption.
  5. Adults or minors who are related or were formerly related by marriage.
  6. Adult or minor children of a person in a relationship

 Services provided by the Family Crimes Unit include:

  1. Investigating domestic abuse cases.
  2. Offering assistance to victims by obtaining criminal warrants, obtaining orders of protection, offering available information, retrieving property from the home.
  3. Arresting offenders.
  4. Teaching domestic abuse dynamics to law enforcement officers.
  5. Serving criminal warrants and orders of protection.

 If you are a victim of Domestic Violence

Know there is help available. You have the following rights:

  1. You may file a criminal complaint with the District Attorney General.
  2. You may request an Order of Protection. An Order of Protection may include the following:
    •  An order preventing the abuser from committing further domestic abuse against you;
    • In order requiring the abuser to leave the household;
    • An order preventing the abuser from harassing you or contacting you for any reason;
    • 4. An order giving you or the other parent custody or visitation with your minor child or children;
    • 5. An order requiring the abuser to pay money to support you and the minor children if the abuser has a legal obligation to do so; and
    • 6. An order preventing the abuser from stalking you.

 Safety Planning when preparing to leave a Domestic Abuser:

  1. Open a savings account in your own name to start to establish or increase your independence. Think of other ways in which you can increase your independence.
  2. Leave money, an extra set of keys, copies of important documents, and extra clothing with someone you trust so you can leave quickly.
  3. Determine who would be able to let you stay with them or lend you some money.
  4. Keep the Shelter phone number close at hand and keep some change or a calling card on you at all times for emergency phone calls. If possible keep a cellular phone with you at all times.
  5. Review your safety plan as often as possible in order to plan the safest way to leave your batterer. Remember leaving your batterer is the most dangerous time.

 Checklist of what you need to take when you leave:

  •  Identification - Driver's License
  • Child's birth certificate
  • Your birth certificate
  • Money
  • Lease, rental agreement, house deed
  • Bank books, check books
  • Insurance papers
  • House and car keys
  • Medications
  • Small saleable objects, address book, pictures
  • Medical records, social security card, welfare I.D.
  • School records, work permits, green card, passport
  • Divorce papers
  • Jewelry
  • Child's small toys

There are other safety plans available depending on your situation and specific needs. If you need further information on how to file a criminal complaint, contact the Sheriff's Office Family Crimes Unit at (615) 904-3053 or the Domestic Violence Program (615) 896-7377 on how to obtain an Order of Protection. ALWAYS REMEMBER--YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE HIT OR THREATENED!