The Criminal Investigations Division is committed to investigate crimes in Rutherford County through professionalism and compassion toward victims.
CID is responsible for investigating both personal and property crimes. Personal crimes occur against an individual such as assault, sexual assault, robbery, rape and murder. The most common personal crime report is domestic violence. Property crimes are related to material items such as burglary, theft or vandalism. All burglaries are felonies and carry a higher sentence. Property crimes are the most common crime reported.
Each crime report is reviewed and a supervisor may assign the case based on several factors. Not every case will be investigated. Once assigned, detectives use knowledge, skills, evidence and technology to solve the case.
Detectives improve on their knowledge and skills by completing specialized training courses. Their goal is to ensure crime victims their case is important and the team of investigators will strive to resolve the case.
Some cases may be assigned to the following specialized units:
Family Crimes/Domestic Violence
This unit investigates crimes against family members, children and other domestic partners linked by statute. These detectives also work most sex crimes and other cases as needed. Domestic violence cases are the most crimes reported.
Sex Offender Registry
The Sex Offender Registry Unit is responsible for registration, tracking and monitoring of all convicted sex offenders within Rutherford County who are not on State Probation. The Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender Unit can be reached at 615-904-3024
or sor@rcsotn.org
Here are some useful links to online Sex Offender information
Additional Useful Links
Property Crimes
Detectives are tasked primarily to crimes involving theft, burglary, arson and felony vandalism and may work other cases as needed.
Personal Crimes
Detectives are tasked primarily to crimes involving murder, rape, aggravated assaults and robbery and are subject to working other cases as needed.
Crime Scene Investigators
Three CID detectives graduated the National Forensic Academy. One is the primary crime scene investigator, a second is the cold case investigator and the third is property crimes. All three work other cases as needed.
Cold Case Investigator
One detective is tasked primarily to work open-unsolved murders, kidnappings and suspicious deaths. The detective works other cases as needed.
U.S. Marshal’s Task Force
One detective is assigned to the Middle Tennessee District of the U.S. Marshal’s Fugitive Task Force. The task force is made up of U.S. deputy U.S. marshals and state and local personnel who track federal and state fugitives from their respective agencies. They track violent offenders who have fled their jurisdiction throughout the U.S. and overseas.